
Posts Tagged ‘mainstream media’

I agree with Professor Bean’s post about Sarah Palin and the media; I was bemused by the constant question “Why don’t liberals like Palin?” when the answer was obviously “She’s stupid and arrogant about her stupidity.” It’s one thing to not be sure what the vice president does, another to announce that fact on national television after being tapped as McCain’s running mate. I never saw it as a question of gender or sexuality, but just flat out fear of what she would actually be like as a VP.


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Edit/Note: An anonymous reader/poster has pointed out that the Sarah Palin Vogue cover photo below is a fake.  Apparently I wasn’t the only person fooled by it.  I found the image on dozens of web sites–including some newspapers–and all of them accepted it as authentic.  Still, I should have searched more carefully to confirm that it was a real cover.   The public’s (myself included) credulity about this image, I think, reinforces my central point.  I also think we could substitute Palin’s spread in Runner’s World for the faux-Vogue picture with less dramatic, but similar, effect.  Nonetheless, I apologize for not doing my “homework” here, and I thank the reader who pointed it out.  I shall endeavor not to make this kind of mistake again.  I am presenting my article in its original form.  I’ve learned a public lesson, and I’m not going to gloss over my error.

Original post:

During Sarah Palin’s resignation press conference, she chastised the media, saying “The response in the mainstream media has been most predictable [and] ironic.”  Putting aside the unlikelihood of anything being both predictable and ironic, can we say that the media’s coverage of Palin was either?


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